Harry Bailey House (The Bottle House)
423 Trousdale Ferry Pike
Harry Bailey House (The Bottle House)
Over three hundred bottles are embedded into the walls of the Harry Bailey House. Built in 1939 by Harry Bailey, (1916-1984), with assistance from Louis Hale, the “Bottle House” is unique for its folk architecture. The structure’s walls also contain brick and stone. Ceramic tile was used as a decorative element on the home’s window trim. Unusual features of the structure are two false windows on the east and west walls. Bailey operated a beer tavern, The Jungle, on property to the rear of the house. The tavern was open for the then segregated African-American community and operated for twenty years. The property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. Bailey’s nephew, Craig, believes his uncle used the bottles in an artistic way when constructing the house. The bottles also served as a signpost for the unadvertised tavern. Patrons knew they were at the right location when they saw the bottles shining in their headlights. For more information visit www.harrybaileyhouse.com.