Greenlawn Neighborhood
Greenlawn Drive, Lebanon TN
Greenlawn Neighborhood
The Greenlawn Development Company (GDC) was formed in 1930 to develop one of Lebanon’s first planned neighborhoods. Family land from the Hooker, Bone, and Beard families were used. The Judge Nathan Green, Sr property fronting on West Main Street and the Lineal Beard land at the present day corner of Greenlawn and West Main Street were the source for most of the development. These properties stretched to Hill Street and the new through street was named Greenlawn Drive. The original plat for the subdivision included all of present day Greenlawn plus two lots on Hill Street to the west, the lot to the east on Hill and lots on Braden Ave. The developers set construction costs to a minimum of $3500 and street frontage of at least 75 feet. Many early twentieth century architectural styles including Tudor, Colonial Revival, Bungalow, Mediterranean Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival are represented in the neighborhood.